Chapter 14


In a dimly lit room, the man on the chair lifted his cigar to his mouth and asked,

"How much do you want for her?" The other man, standing in front of him, gazed down at the unconscious woman on the floor and replied,

"What do you think?"

"Around 2 crore-"

"Naa, it's less. I'm giving you Arzel Khan's most precious thing," the man interrupted, a sinister laugh escaping his lips.

"True... tell me then, how much you want?" They paused their conversation as the woman on the floor stirred, attempting to adjust to the room's dim light. A pained hiss escaped her lips as she clutched her aching head.

"Morning, Mrs. Khan," the man observed, eyeing her from head to toe. Zaniyah, curling up in discomfort, saw both men in front of her.

"Where am I?" she hesitantly asked.

"At a brothel," the other man chuckled, causing her eyes to widen. A brothel? She scanned the darkness, realizing the gravity of her situation. Tears welled up in her eyes as she pondered what more she had to endure.

"So, Zaniyah Khan, wife of Arzel Khan," the man spoke, his words emphasizing their sinister connection to her husband, and before she could process it all, a gunshot echoed through the room. Everyone turned towards the sound, and the footsteps of two approaching individuals became audible.

"Where are the guards?" the man inquired anxiously.

"I came up with guards because I know how bad my elder brother is, Hailfeh," another voice explained, revealing a connection to the unfolding situation.

Zaniyah turned toward the gate, spotting him. Arzel's eyes blazed with wrath, giving him the appearance of a ruthless animal capable of anything. She whispered his name, relieved to see him, her gaze locked with his.

"HELLO BROTHER!!" Razon's voice echoed, breaking the tense silence. Arzel's patience shattered upon hearing it. Kabir, following behind him, spoke on the phone with Arhaan via his Bluetooth.

"Arzel, not now," Kabir whispered, aware of Zaniyah's presence. He feared that witnessing Arzel's punishment might make her hate him.

"Now or never, Kabir," Arzel declared,

moving forward. As he stood in front of Zaniyah, he locked eyes with her, bending down to kiss her forehead. He whispered, "I miss you, mi vida," causing tears to stream down her face.

"I miss you more," she replied, holding his hands as they caressed her cheeks. The term "princess" resonated deeply with her.

"Hear me out, princess," Arzel continued. "Close your eyes like a good girl. If you hear any screams, don't open your eyes until I command." Her heart raced as she nodded lightly. He gently pecked her lips, and as she closed her eyes, he moved away towards Razon and Hailfeh.

"HELLO, BROTHER," Arzel's words echoed, making Razon chew his inner cheeks.

"You can never save her," Razon declared as Hailfeh aimed his gun at Zaniyah. Kabir swiftly responded, pointing his gun at Hailfeh's brain.

Zaniyah flinched, putting her hands over her ears. Arzel glanced back at Kabir, who signaled him to slow down.

"Slow down, man. She's scared," Kabir chuckled.

"She'll be more scared after seeing your prey's conditions," Arzel smirked, turning his attention to Razon.

"Ready, lil brother," Arzel said, prompting laughter from Kabir. As Razon reached for his concealed gun, Arzel kicked him in the stomach, forcing him to kneel.

Pulling out a small knife, Arzel whispered, "When you were born, I was sad because I knew one day I would be the one to kill you." He delicately cleaned the knife on his clothes.

"you dare to touch her." Arzel pinched the knife on Razon's wrist.

"From this hand, you touched her?"

"My dad will kill yo-"

"Our dad, brother. And don't worry, he can never kill me with all the profits he gains from me," Arzel grinned, frustrating Razon.

"Where were we? Yeah, so from which hand did you touch my woman?" Arzel demanded, but Razon remained silent.

"You won't say, right? Just cut both your hands," Arzel ordered, proceeding to cut and scratch Razon's hands with the small knife.

"Arzel, st-" Razon began.

"Shhhh...wo dar jaayegi," Arzel replied, rapidly cutting until a vein was exposed. He continued until he brutally cut that vein.

He lost his sense until Arzel brutally cutted his that viens

He lost all his senses

"Burn him and this whole brothel, I don't want his body to get recognised"

He said walking towards Zaniyah while pulling out his handkerchief and cleaning the blood

He softly touched Zaniyah's hands to remove her hands from her ear, but she flinched. "Open your eyes, mi vida," he whispered. She slowly opened her eyes, gazing around until her eyes landed on Razon and Hailfeh's bodies.

She saw it all. Arzel cursed himself as Zaniyah, wide-eyed, backed away from him.

She get scared seeing the Brutally killed ded bodies m, her body started shivering because this is something new she had seen.

"Zaniyah," he tried to hold her, but she began choking on her tears. Arzel approached, attempting to comfort her, but she pushed him away with all her strength.

Arzel closed his eyes taking a firm breath he tried to pull her in a gentle hug but she pushed him away everytime

As she broke down further, he took a step back, a gesture aimed at making her comprehend the undeniable truth - he was her nightmare.

"Kabir, give me the car key," Zaniyah's shaky voice addressed Kabir, who stood there, understanding the gravity of the situation. It was clear - he wouldn't intervene tonight.


"Kabir, key," Arzel interrupted, extending his hand to Kabir. The car key changed hands, and Arzel looked at Zaniyah, who trembled with vulnerability. Acting on instinct, he pulled out his coat, wrapping it around her. His arm found its way around her waist as he drew her close.

Amidst the silence, she didn't utter a word. Eyes closed, she held onto his shoulder tightly, finding solace in his embrace. Arzel, without saying a word, led them away. As the car engine hummed to life, Zaniyah sat silently, tears streaming down her face, fixated on the passenger seat.

Glancing at her intermittently, Arzel navigated the car to a halt in front of a forest entry, marking the city's end. Zaniyah, lost in her thoughts, finally looked up. Her gaze shifted slightly to the left, meeting Arzel's eyes, which silently observed her reactions.

In this poignant moment at the edge of the city, the unspoken tension hung heavy in the air, as the forest beyond beckoned, and the car's engine ticked away in the stillness.

"Where are w-"

"Cottage," his abrupt response sent a chill down her spine.

Closing her eyes, Zaniyah looked out the window, feeling an eerie connection to this place. The distant sound of a girl laughing triggered an unsettling familiarity.


"Shhh... let's go outside first, don't think much," Arzel comforted, his words a balm as the thunderstorm began. Frightened, Zaniyah clutched his hands, and together, they sought refuge inside the cottage.

The interior told a tale of abandonment; shriveled flowers scattered in disarray. Arzel enveloped her in a back hug, a protective gesture as she surveyed the room. The scars of fire marked some corners, triggering hazy flashbacks that intensified her shivers.

"Please tell me Arzel... hum kaha hai? (Where are we?)" Her voice wavered as tears flowed, memories slipping away.

You have to leave me Zaniyah.."

She didn't understand his words...with her blurry eyes she looked at him

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